Becky Urbano Joins CPF Education Committee

Becky Urbano, Garavaglia Architecture, Inc.’s Preservation Services Manager, joined the Education Committee of the California Preservation Foundation.

Garavaglia Architecture’s Becky Urbano officially joined the California Preservation Foundation (CPF)’s Education Committee last week. California Preservation Foundation is “a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of California’s diverse cultural and architectural heritage.” The Education Committee supports the educational mission of CPF and is responsible for proposing, developing content, and recruiting speakers for the annual work program of CPF workshops, Study Tours, and the Annual Conference study sessions and mobile workshops. Becky looks forward to supporting CPF’s mission and continuing her efforts with non-profit organizations. She has served as a board member with Sacred Sites International. See her bio (click on Becky Urbano) for more information on her professional endeavors.

Southwest Museum in the News

Los Angeles’ oldest museum, the Southwest Museum, was recently a topic of a public meeting and received much press.

Vision for the Museum by Garavaglia Architecture
Vision for the Museum by Garavaglia Architecture

The  Southwest Museum in Los Angeles has been in the press as a public meeting was held regarding the expansion of the Autry National Center of the American West in Griffith Park early July.  Listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, the Southwest Museum is the oldest museum in the City. Garavaglia Architecture developed a preservation plan for the Friends of the Southwest Museum in 2007. It has been listed as a preservation issue by the Los Angeles Conservancy for quite some time. City Councilman Huizar is now recommending the Autry to sign a legal binding document to preserve the Southwest Museum building as well as its collection. Read more on the status of this project:

Huizar’s ‘Surprise’ Southwest Museum Proposal Draws Praise,EGP News, by Paul Aranda Jr.

Southwest Museum pulls itself up by its bootstraps,” Los Angeles Times, Art Section, Suzanne Muchnic, July 5, 2009.

Autry, Southwest Museum fued has echoes of a western duel,” Los Angeles Times, California Local Section, by Bob Pool, July 2, 2009

“Saving the Southwest Museum,”

Seabiscuit Stamped Envelope

 Seabiscuit Stamped Envelope from the US Postal Service Press Release
Seabiscuit Stamped Envelope from the US Postal Service Press Release

On May 11th, Principal Michael Garavaglia and Preservation Services Manager Becky Urbano represented Garavaglia Architecture at a celebration with the Seabiscuit Heritage Foundation at Ridgewood Ranch for the unveiling of the Seabiscuit Stamped Envelope. The commemorative stamp went on sale a couple days ago by the US Postal Service. The stamp portrays a scene from the famous 1938 match race between Seabiscuit and War Admiral. For more information about Garavaglia Architecture’s participation in the project to preserve Ridgewood Ranch, go to the year 1939 in the timeline.